Margaret is a strong woman. From the first conversation we had with her she told us how we shouldn’t worry – that she looks good for her age and half of my job of making her look good in her wedding photos is already done! Haha. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to meet Margaret and Okey until their wedding day (she’s from Texas and ended up finding us online). So, we handled everything they needed on the phone and nearly as soon as we met it was picture time.
Their wedding ceremony was to be held at St. Johns Church of Christ on East Market and Clay, downtown Louisville.
As we all know, Jen takes the women for bridal dressing photos and Travis escort the men for their shots – Margaret and Jen run off, and Okey hasn’t made it yet. So, this is the time to take some shots of the guests, the church, the kids running around the Church isles… and not long after, this military man in full-attire walks in, perfectly upright, to greet his guests and you could just tell – this was the man of the day. He was polite, up-right, and confident, which showed us that together, these two are going to be just as strong in connection as they are as individuals.
The Ceremony moved along just fine. (As opposed to pre-ceremony. We’d heard that poor Margaret had a fire in her room at the Galt House and had to wait outside in her robe, and yes, her dress and everything else was left in the hotel room! Can you imagine?!).
Like we said, she’s a strong woman and Okey is a strong man. We were able to capture their ceremony without any bumps, in traditional fashion, and we just sort of laughed at how you can have a fire in your Galt House room… and still handle the rest of your day so well, and look so great together.
Their reception was held on the Belle of Louisville. You would think it would be freezing, which it it was [outside], but was really pleasant inside. The Belle was well-heated and very stable for a reception. The reception was a blast, there was more photo opportunity here than we expected. Don’t get us wrong, their ceremony was lovely, but here – here is where everyone let loose and really showed us who they were. Shortly after being introduced by their Dj, Dj Randy (who played great music all night), Okey and Margaret cut their cake with his officers sword (known as a Mameluke. Please, correct if we’re wrong.) They toasted to the ones not here, the ones here, and to each other. They had a heartfelt bond with their children and friends, and you could tell that they valued each person who came. From here – eating and partying. There’s something fun and nostalgic about anyone who was around for the 50-70’s dancefloors, and they WILL cut-a-rug like it was just the other day. In all the weddings we’ve photographed for clients, it’s rare to see nearly all the guests stay until closing time, especially with the energy of this crowd, and dancing all the while.
Okey & Margaret Roberts, thank you for letting us photograph your wedding. I’m glad we hit it off over the phone (across the country). In the few short hours we spent with you, we observed fun, class, pride, a sense of country, and two strong individuals who I’m sure will become all the more strong in bond. Most importantly, we observed a close-knit family, including friends, who love the two of you and who celebrated who you were to them and together.
You can’t ask for much more than what the two of you have.
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